Sunday, December 04, 2005

Friends with benefits

Friends with benefits? Damn I hate that least when it relates to me!

What's up with guys that claim to 'be into you' ...then you don't hear from them? They want the benefits of a relationship...but without the actual relationship.

Well I've put it out there in the atmosphere...and to a guy that is 'into me' ,that casual, friendship with benefits is soooo NOT what I'm into.

My reasons for doing this? He should know up front right where my mind is and what I want.

So I rolled the dice. I don't look at it as much of a gamble...simply because I think we'll both win in the end. We both know where I stand..and that prevents misunderstandings. If that's not what he wants, then we can both step back.

My gut tells me I won't here from him again. Pity.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Americans vs Jamaicans?

Just a bit of humor after a loooonng week. LOL

What a Jamaican says and what an American Says

USA: It's been a long time since I have seen you girl....
JAM: Gyal, you noh dead yet?

USA: Oh Lord, we have lost electricity again.
JAM: Lawd Gad... current lock awff again to rahtid!

USA: This meal is not too bad
JAM: Di food cyan eat

USA: Where did you buy that awful bracelet Cindy?
JAM: A weh yuh buy dat-deh big ole ugly bangle deh missis?

USA: Hors d'oeurves?
JAM: Ah wah dis likkle sinting yuh a gi me?

USA: Here kitty kitty... get down from the roof
JAM: Hey dutty puss...come awff a di housetap before a buss yuh rass!

USA: I think something is wrong with Susan. She might have the flu.
JAM: Lawd Gad... obiya tek up Suzie!

USA: Oh my God, I just broke mom's expensive plate!
JAM: Lawd mi Gad, mi bruk up mamma stoosh crackry!

USA: Aren't those pants a bit short?
JAM: Yuh did expek flood or yuh tek yuh mezament inna wata?

USA: Why are you squeezing the mangoes like that?
JAM: Lissen to mi nuh, mi a beg yuh stap fingle-fingle up di mango dem.

USA: Sir, please don't throw my luggage like that.
JAM: Aye, buff-teet bwoy, tap fling up, fling-up mi bag dem suh man.

USA: I wish you would quit lying.
JAM: Tap di blinkin lyin, yuh ole liyad.

USA: Lift up the hood of the car for me John.
JAM: Hey my yute, fly di bonett rasta!

USA: I am waiting for a taxi and it's taking so long!!
JAM: But wait, no robot naah run todeh
USA: Get me a pop please?
JAM: Beg yuh carry wan drinks fi mi deh..

USA: It's time for a Perm.
JAM: Gyal, yuh hed waan cream. Yuh noh si how it tough?

USA: Yuck! This is nasty!
JAM: Kiss mi neckback!! What a sinting tase bad an incipid!!

USA: I wish you would close your mouth.
JAM: Yuh mout come in like when grip cyan shut.

USA: Girl, your acne is terrible
JAM: Massagad, pickeny, yuh face bumpy-bumpy an fayva grayta eeh..

USA: Please make some room on the bus so this man can have a seat.
JAM: Schoolas, small up unnu self man mek daddy siddung.

USA: I have a stomach ache.
JAM: Mi belly ah gripe mi.

USA: These mangoes look a bit over-ripe.
JAM: Missis, move fran in front ah mi wid dem fluxy mango deh.

USA: He has very large, full eyes.
JAM: Wat ah bway fayva patoo

USA: He has no manners.
JAM: Him no have no broughtupsi

USA: Perspiration odour
JAM: Him smell green

USA: Poached (boiled) chicken
JAM: Dat deh singtin nuh start cook yet

USA: Oh, dear
JAM: ee-eeeeee

USA: Josh is suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder.
JAM: Di pickeny too dyam hard ears!!

USA: He has a touch of Dyslexia.
JAM: What a bway Dunce sah!!!

USA: I need a bottle of Peptobismol. My stomach hurts.
JAM: Lawd mi coulda do wid a washout yah now... mi belly bine up.

USA: That man over there is missing his dentures.
JAM: Cooh pan dat deh mashmout bredda ova deh soh

Monday, October 31, 2005

Tales from Hurricane Wilma

On Monday October 24, 2006 South Florida was hit by a hurricane. Hurricane Wilma hit with all the force of her fictional son-in law Bam Bam.

To the residents of South Florida, hurricane preparedness is "old hat". Or is it?

As usual, we were warned by the local metereologists to be prepared with the basics of at least 3 days of water, batteries, nonperishable food and of course a manual can opener.

While hurricanes are not new to the residents of South Florida, the timing of this one was definitely different. Hurricanes usually occur for us in August or September.

Could this difference be the reason why so many residents were caught unawares?

However, this different timing was a blessing in disguise. The weather was much less humid and much cooler right after Wilma's landing. Temperatures ranging from 50s to 70s were well appreciated by South Floridians since according to Florida Power & Light, well over 90% of their customers (Palm Beach South to Dade County) lost power.

The Florida Keys, since they have their own utilities were not included in this count, but the numbers were high they had to deal with floods.

Wilma departed from the dance at approximately 1 pm. Before one could say Bam Bam [yes...more Flintstone references], the citizens of S. Fla were clamoring for ice, water & MREs [meals ready to eat...ah the education that I received this year has been incredible!]. Not to mention gasoline.

Now, let's do the math on this. We were all warned to get supplies ready for at least 3 days of survival. From the descriptions that I heard on the radio, & pictures that I saw via the newspapers as well as with my own eyes when I ventured out, these were NOT handicapped, or destitute folks.

These were able bodied folks driving vehicles ranging from Toyotas, Lexus, Hondas, Fords, etc etc.

These same folks were clamoring for the heads of FEMA to roll. Now, anyone that has ever dealt with the government knows that there is always a heck of a lot of red tape with anything. Not to mention the logistics of storing all those trucks before Wilma arrived and then moving them into place.

I am in no way removing blame from FEMA...yes..they do need to have a better system. What should it be? I don't know...I don't get paid the big bucks to figure that out.

HOWEVER, as an able bodied person, I do know that I have to deal with my personal responsibility. Ah yes.... we do have to be somewhat responsible for our own well being. No...the government cannot possibly account for the well being of all of its citizens...not in a timely manner.

In my way of thinking [and some may disagree], those who can...should be responsible. No, its not going to be the most comfortable way to be. I like electricity and warm meals like everyone else. Don't even get me started on ice cold water...ah the nectar of the Gods!

So bottom line? Yes, FEMA was not perfect. But neither were the citizens of S. Fla.

Why the hardline? There were citizens that could not take care of their basic needs and they were shafted out of the assistance [at least initially] because of all of the traffic on the road of folks hunting down gasoline, ice, water and batteries.

The trucks [both FEMA & local] when they were finally situated were bombarded with able bodied folks demanding assistance less than 24 hours after Wilma left the dance.

I'm hoping that the next storm [and yes, we in S. FLA know there will be others], will come and see us [this includes FEMA] better prepared.

Sunday, October 23, 2005


I recently went into a Walgreens to get cash back [i refuse to pay atm fees!] LOL
Anyway...I make my purchase..I ask the cashier what the maiximum is that I can get back. She says $100. Cool...I only need $50.

I glanced at the money...[ok...i was in a hurry!] and it seemed right. 5 bills. Ok

I get back to the car....and realized that the 5 bills were $ in $100.

BRIEFLY it crossed my mind... to just keep on I was in a rush. But karma is a mofo!
Went back in...and waited while she dealt with a customer...then informed her of her error.

She was sooo grateful and surprised that I returned the money...she had assumed that I wanted $100...and gave it to was NOT charged to my her drawer would have been short @ the end of her shift.

Had I been younger, would I have returned it? I'd like to think I would have...can't say for sure though. HOWEVER....I do know that I did return it when it I guess that's what matters in the long run.

Life is funny

I'm 36 and am now motivated to lose weight....and I'm doing it.
What's so amazing? First off, I'm very motivated...and failure is not an the fact that I can actually see the difference in the mirror!! Second....why has it taken me so long to do what Nike has been saying for sooo long? "Just do It!"

For once my 'packratitist' has been beneficial! Like most folks with weight issues, we have our 'fat clothes' and 'skinny clothes'...I had moved them out of my view into my other closet..and its been saving my wallet a bit. LOL

There is nothing like going clothes your own closet! LOL

It is frustrating though [I guess in a good way] that at anytime, I can say..."I don't have anything to wear" because they are too big. Yeah..that does sound like bragging...but I really am not! I've just never done this..and its all soo darned new to me!

My relatives are asking me "what are you taking"? WTF?

The only thing I'm 'taking' is commonsense! Portion control, water, exercise and fiber.

30lbs to go...and a bunch more to go! And it will go.

Sunday, August 28, 2005


Its so amazing when folks share their perceptions of you.

I have a male friend from college that dated my roommate. He just knew I was 'hot to trot' since I always had a different guy to go out with when he came to town.

In trying to 'defend' myself to him, I explained that I didn't want to be a 3rd wheel when he and my friend invited me places. Heck...I'd stay home first! LOL
He sorta gets it now...well over 10 years later. LMAO

I also have a male relative who I speak to on a regular basis that that thought I was a lesbian because I never mentioned any guys I was dating.

Because of my love for trucks, and my lack of overtly 'female' habits, a husband of a close friend asked me if I were gay.


And now that I have dreadlocs...who knows what the hell folks are thinking!

How could folks have such different opinions [and so damned wrong!!] of me? LOL
Truth is, I don't publicize my way or another. So I guess folks see and assume whatever the hell they want, based on their own experiences and perceptions of how folks should act and be.

Bottom line...don't judge a book by the cover...all that glitters is not gold...and all those other cliches that are out there.

Hurricane Katrina

I know most folks are quite possibly tired of hearing about this intrusive presence. Its on the news....Heck..its been the news! I know that I've often said 'Thank God for Cable'.

Then I noticed, I wasn't watching cable!! LOL I tuned into the local news like it was my lifeline. And indeed it was.

My local ABC news station became my constant companion...Don Noe 'Noes' weather! LOL

I lost power....thankfully I had lots of batteries along with battery powered tv/radios.

Losing power of course is not what anyone wants....HOWEVER...I was extremely grateful that power was the ONLY thing that I lost. Some folks while losing their belongings, kept their homes. Others lost everything.

Yet and still, 1 flipping day after Katrina tore into town folks were pissed off that they didn't have power. WTF? Sure, it was hot as hell. Sure it was uncomfortable...but still had your house and your belongings..not to mention still being alive.

One idiot [and I apologize to idiots here for lack of a better word!] had the tremendous balls to get on tv and say he's lived here for years and didn't know that he needed flood insurance. Under what rock was he living? Hell...he should be denied it now just for being a dumbass!

Don't get me started on the family of 4 [2 kids and 2 parents] that decided to ride out the storm on their houseboat. I'll be damned.

Ah well. Hurricanes & other disasters bring out not only the best in people, but also the worst.

Sunday, August 14, 2005


You know, I recently received some news that had it come @ a different time, I would have been ecstatic.

A friend of mine from college confessed that he had seriously cared for me....however we were both dating others so had not pursued the issue. We had sporadic conversations over the years...and he even came to visit me about 7 years after our last meeting.

Fast forward to the past few months. Apparently he still really cares for me...and over the years I had started to 'catch feelings' also. However..I never ever knew he had feelings. But apparently everyone else knew about his feelings towards me...including his then girlfriend...WTF?

Due to his current circumstances - a bad marriage...but marriage none the less, we'll have to move on with the knowledge that feelings should have been shared.

Timing is a bitch...ain't it? :(

Favorite Day?

Most folks have favorite days of the year. Some love Christmas or Thanksgiving. Some love their birthday or just a day off from work.

HOWEVER...mine is today. August 14th.
Ah.....August 14th. The day of my emancipation. That day was marked on my calendar during my senior year in highschool.

This day means sooo much to me.

It was the day I looked forward to seeing. I left my parents home for college...and never looked back! It was the day my dream of independence came true. It was the day that kept me sane in highschool.

When I lived @ home, I could do almost nothing. School, church and work were all I was allowed to do. Telephone....what was that? LOL Is it any wonder that I so wanted to leave?

Not only is August 14th my day of independence, but its also Magic Johnson's birthday, one of my favorite ex's birthday [DT] and also a birthday for a cousin...Rian.

So here's to all of you with a favorite day...mine just happens to be an innocuous one...8/14!

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Big Looser!

i went shopping today for the first time in a few months.....
bought some size 18 pants and tops....yippee!!

I had to try sooooo hard not to buy a lot...i'm hoping to only buy again when i drop a size...hopefully by Christmas!!!!

i came home and went through my closets [you know how us ladies do it..] LOL donated alla those size 22/24 items

Found a few things i could definitely keep in the smaller sizes too!!
Found some 14/16 that i could get into..just not comfortable to wear.....

Yeah...i'm dancing around the house

20 lbs gone.....and more to go
Thank you Weight Watchers!

Monday, July 11, 2005

Does disagreeing with someone have to mean an argument?

I just went out with a very nice guy. Only problem is that he agreed with me on everything. A friend insists that that behavior is better than arguing over everything.

Can't I have a relationship where one can disagree and not argue about everything?

I guess I didn't realize that I had to choose.... or do I?

Saturday, July 09, 2005

These really inspired me

He who flings mud, loses a lot of ground.
- unknown

The men who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed.
- Lloyd Jones

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
- Eleanor Roosevelt

One hundred percent of the shots you don't take don't go in.
- Wayne Gretzky

In order to be walked on, you have to be lying down.
- Brian Weir

Friday, July 08, 2005

I'm in LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!.....

with the Apple G5 Tower

...and I'm getting one @ work!! Oh yeah!!

Yeah...I'm a total geek [but I'm cute!] LOL

And more here

Yippee for me!!!

Finally got my filing cabinet...yeah big deal.

HA...i wanted a black one...and didn't want to pay through the nose on it. For some reason, folks were only selling the beige ones...or the more expensive wooden [furniture looking one].

Thanks to the internet and diligent searching, found one finally on sale @ Home Depot.

Now I'm on track to getting myself somewhat organized.

Wish me luck please! LOL

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Yes...I do like nice guys! :)

You know, dating is rough! LOL

I've been members of several online dating services...eharmony, and cupid junction. And well....I'm still single! LOL

Honestly though, I've known folks to be successful on various ones so I'm hopeful :)

I recently met a guy and we had a lot in common AND he was nice. However, it was just like going out with my brother...not one spark!

We went out and did a lot of activities together...he was pleasant... conversation never lagged..yet NO SPARKS!! Why is that? He is a nice guy, just for someone else. I know he is going to bring up meeting again. Oh my, I so do NOT want that. Not if its a dating situation. :(

Someone had actually tried to tell me that it was because he was 'nice'. So NOT true! I've dated nice guys before...with lots and lots of sparks. No it didn't work out. But please don't say its because he was 'nice'. I don't date thugs, or 'non nice' guys. I'm not saying that 'thugs' can't be nice. They just aren't for me! LOL

Someone asked me what the lesson in this was. So far, I've gotten the following:
Just because he's a good guy, doesn't mean he's good for you.
Just because there is not spark, does not mean he can't spark someone else.
Just because you have a lot in common does not mean he's the one for you.

Again I keep looking.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Food Channel Anyone?

I find myself watching this darned channel ...and most of the time watching things I know full well that I have no intentions of making!! LOL

Its sooo fascinating to see the lengths folks will go through for a meal!! Hmph....I'm sooo not the least not on a regular basis :)

Rachel she's great...30 minutes for a kinda recipe!
I do like the Italian lady [what is her name???], her recipes look tasty...and SOME are easy.
Love 'Almost Homemade' - 70% store bought and 30% take 100% of the credit. My kinda cooking! :)

If you're trying to lose weight....check out 'Weighing In'.
Now they have a darned competion now...trying to find the next 'star'.

Yeah....did I say I love this channel? LOL

Sunday, June 12, 2005


"Procrastination is like Masturbation, it feels real good until you realize that you've just F*cked yourself!!!"

LOL...I saw this on my friend's site and had to copy it.


I'm a dreadlocked female. When folks learn that about me...they have sooo many different perceptions.

Can no one understand that its not a 'spiritual' thing for me... but 'just' a hairstyle? I'm not looking for nor indulging in an alternative lifestye. Its 'just' a hairstyle.

Jamaicans or other islanders look on in 'dismay' depending on their beliefs.

In dismay, because they figure I'm 'indulging' in the Rastafarian lifestyle. Its 'just' a hairstyle.

In delight, because they figure I'm 'indulging' in the Rastafarian lifestyle. Its 'just' a hairstyle.

I guess there's no pleasing anyone.

Damned if you do...damned if you don't.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

To Mr. Robert Carpentier

I know he will probably never see this, but I had to put it out there.

Who is he? He was my music teacher at Brian Piccolo (IS 53) intermediate school in Far Rockaway (Queens, NY). I have him to thank for my love of not just one type of music...but rather, my ecclectic taste.

I was in the chorus in middle school [only later discovered that I really COULD NOT sing!!], and he exposed us to different types of music. We dealt with Stevie Wonder, Kenny Rogers, Lionel Ritchie, The Carpenters, Stefanie Mills & many many more!! Wow.... To this day...when I hum some obscure song....or like a song that I'm not "supposed" to like, I think of him.

But my love of the Beatles was brought about a major major crush I had on a baseball player. JA...if and when you ever read'll know its you. LOL

But I digress :)

Mr. Carpentier..... THANK YOU!!!

White White White!!

Well I did it. I got my teeth whitened today! And while it cost me a pretty penny or 2....I sooo do not regret it! I did the zoom system and saw instant results.

Apart from some sensitivity which should go away in a few days...all is well. Did I say I'm happy with it!!??! my keloid removed....losing my teeth done.

Look out Hollywood!! :)

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I Was Robbed!!

Recently, I woke up and discovered that I was robbed! Not only was I robbed...but apparently it happened a while back!

I'm here to declare to the thief "I want what you stole from me. And I want it back!!"

What was stolen?

My smooth complexion.
Not having to pluck, tweeze or sand strands of hair off of my face...
Being able to stay up all night...and go into work!!
Being able to drink without falling asleep! ah...the good old days!!
Not having to take a nap.
Being able to loose 10 lbs easily.

But I've figure how to get it back [well somewhat] on my own!
I'm working out...that certainly helps with the energy level [not to mention the waistline!]
Cutting back on the bad stuff...and increasing my fiber.

Heck...I've even made an appointment to get my teeth whitened.

Look out I come!!

Again. :)

Monday, June 06, 2005

If I knew then what I know now

A piece on Memorial Day and our current "non war" status....
done by a current blogger SueMorrWill
If I knew then what I know now

Organize me Please!!

I have a Tungsten E pda. That little gadget has kept me sooo organized for the past few years.

Calendars, contacts, memos, to do lists, etc. WOW!
I even keep my grocery list on it. It definitely keeps me from forgetting what I need to do...and forces me to do things that I could usually put off! Yep...I LOVE LOVE LOVE to check off a completed item!

The palm helps me in various areas of my life...weight loss, dates, items to do, etc etc.

How weight loss? If I hear something that is good [brand name, item with extra fiber, etc] I don't even have to try to remember the item...i jot it down.

I now have a serious list in my pda of fiber rich foods, foods that are low in sodium, etc.

I've even been able to download pda files containing the nutritional value of various "low Key" restaurants & fastfood spots. And NOT obscure places either! I have TGIF, Red Lobsters, Dennys, KFC, Wendys, and more!

And of course since I'm on Weight Watchers [which really really works!!], I can also download from various sites the points for various restaurants.

2 items I do not leave the house PDA and my cell phone! LOL

Some folks just think I'm the "techiest" person. Ha Ha!

Yet my VCR still flashes 12:00!

Sunday, June 05, 2005

My Own Weirdness

Do you ever think that no one really understands you...could possibly relate to you and that you are just weird as hell?

Well I'm here to tell you I'm the queen of those thoughts!

From my musical tastes to what I watch on tv to how I listen to the radio. LOL

Let's tackle one at a time.

Weirdness #1 Music

I recently purchased [on a whim] a Carpenters' CD and a Michael Bublie [sp] cd.

I liked them both, but "jammed" more on the Carpenters'CD. Yes...I said jam. Now you might say..."how can one 'jam' on a Carpenters' CD"? Well I did. LOL Don't know why..maybe it was the harmony, the trumpet or the rising to fullness of Karen Carpenter's voice that really resonated with me. Maybe its my penchant to be nostalgic.

Regardless, allI know is that I drove a bit more to continue hearing the songs....yes...i realized it was CD...but dammit I wanted to keep listening and singing. LOL

Weirdness #2 TV shows

I am now finding out that I like watching the dog shows [don't even own a dog!], organizational shows [clean house, etc!]. What makes this weird? I'm not a big fan of dogs...just pugs...and my house is sooo NOT organized! But I try REALLY hard [well sometimes] LOL

Weirdness #3 Radio

I'm a big fan of the radio. As much as I like music, for many many years I did not have a CD or a cassette player in my car. I can drive for many hours and always find something on the radio to sing err..listen to. LOL

It drives my driving partners crazy that a lot of times I'd rather listen to the radio than play one of the CDs in my cd changer ['cept when I'm zoning out on the Carpenters of course!] LOL

I once drove from Ft. Lauderdale to Tallahassee....we listened to the country song "Lifestyles of the not so rich and famous" a gazillion times...LOL

More to me than meets the eye.

Mind Wanderings

I think I've finally managed to figure out how to change templates...keep my links etc etc. LOL'd think a "techie" like myself could have done it faster! LMAO. VCR STILL flashes 12:00. I guess I only bother to learn the things that I want to. A little rebellion perhaps?

Cest la vie!! LOL

I did not leave the house today. Why not? Cause I didn't want to. I took a nap..why? Cause I wanted to. Hmph...I think I see a pattern here! LMAO

Besides, I'm on vacation. And even though I'll be going into work, it will be on my schedule and working on my projects...and get paid for it too. WOW! :)

I figure I'd better earn some extra $$ for my next summer's well awaited trip to Alaska. I can't wait. I've looked forward to that trip since my 2nd year in college. No one wants to go with me..and I've waited this to hell with you all! I'm going by my damned self!! Don't hate...participate! LOL

I bet folks don't really believe me when I say I'm going next summer. I've been talking about that place for more years than THEY care to remember...and they just chuckle and shake their heads. HA HA. I'm going to have the last laugh on this one!


Saturday, June 04, 2005

Weight Loss2

Well after much trepidation, I arrived @ my Weight Watchers weigh in. It wasn't as bad as I thought...I lost a 1/2 lb. It could have sooo much worse..especially after last weekend!

I would truthfully have been happy staying the same..but losing is always better. LOL

The meeting was full...didn't like that at all. Call me selfish..but I lke the small intimate setting that a smaller group provides. But I don't think it'll could be folks realizing that to fit into their summer clothes they will have to shed some pounds!

You know, I think I'm going to make a bigger effort this summer to eat better. What do I mean? Well fiber, fiber and more fiber! Add to that, less processed foods. Like Oprah said..."Just say no to white stuff".

No chips, white bread, white rice, crackers, etc etc nothing made with white flour. And truthfully..the good suff and high in fiber items that I've found have been great! Its just easier and less expensive to buy the "white sfuff".

But guess what? I am soooo worth the extra money. :)

Weight Loss

Who doesn't struggle with this? LOL

However...I think I've figured out a less...move more! WOW!! what a concept!
Sounds simple...but its tough as hell to do. And that is why I joined weight watchers a few weeks ago...and what do you by pound...its slowly coming off! Yeah...its slow....but hey..Rome wasn't built in a day!

So far...I'm down 8 lbs and my blood pressure has dropped. I've been exercising on my treadmill...and my pants are most definitely looser...yipee!!! :)

I did the 10 week special, and am hoping to drop 10lbs during that time [like that is all i need to loose!] LOL but 10 lbs @ a time seems do able...and i'm about 2 lbs from that.

I'm worried about when I go to Canada for vacation though....truthfully I'd like to remain the same....if I lose WONDERFUL! I just don't want to gain...but if I do...I know it won't be the end of the world.

Investing in Real Estate

I've decided to invest more in my social security to depend on at all!

However....where does one begin? Sooo many books and programs out there.
Carlton Sheets, Robert Kyosaki [Rich Dad Poor Dad]...etc etc.

I've already gone to the library and gotten Kyosaki's CDs there...not necessarily a real estate set per ce...but it does insist on the necessity of 'having one's own'. Sorta puts me in the mind of Billie Holiday...."God bless the child that has his own"! LOL

Friday, June 03, 2005

My Summer Vacation

Well today was the last day of school for the teachers.....To say I'm glad is an understatement! LOL

Although I'll be working still, it'll be sooo much better. I'll be setting my own hours...and the teachers won't be around and the faculty will be at a bare minimum. Bottom line....more work that I'll be able to get done!

I have several projects to do this summer plus facilitating some 1/2 day workshops. This should keep me busy as heck this summer.

I'm going to have to set a schedule for my work tasks as well as my home projects in order to get them done!

Let's see....home projects include planning my Alaska trip, getting a new filing cabinet, finish setting up and organizing the kitchen...oh my...getting tired just writing all of this down! LOL