Friday, March 17, 2006

Less of me....Means More of me?

I've been working out...and watching what I eat and have steadily gotten smaller.

Yipee!! It actually works! LOL

Now that there's Less of me [45 lbs to be exact]...I find I have MORE to give.

I definitely have more energy & confidence. Don't even get me started on my energy level either! LOL

All I can say is God help my next boyfriend! LMAO

As noted before, I'm a believer in incentives.

For the last 5lbs I went with a hair incentive. My locs are almost mid back and are not the easiest thing to wash and guess what I'll be doing next Tuesday? Having someone else wash and dry it...not to mention getting a fantastic scalp massage...almost better than ....welll.... not quite! LOL

Friday, February 03, 2006

Motivating me!

Sure...I know why I should exercise and lose weight.

I look better...feel better...and my clothes fit I have a better selection!
But I still need a short term motivation...LOL Just like a kid.

Sooooo I set a goal for 5lbs....then I'll get a manicure/pedicure. Hmm...not as easy as one would has a tendency to intervene! LOL

First week I lost 2.5lbs...yeah...1/2 way there!! Ha! The next week...."ONLY" 2lbs.... As stubborn as I was...wouldn't get the mani/pedi til I made goal...Well happy to say...I got my mani/pedi yesterday....and they look wonderful!

I think I'll make that as my next 5lb goal...after that...who knows...maybe a spa treatment?
Anything but a nice meal out! LOL

Monday, January 16, 2006

Walking, Tennis, Biking....oh My!!

Don't know what has come over me, but I have developed a need to be physically active. Now this is a good thing...helps with weight loss and gives you more energy....a win win situation! And since I love to eat, this is sooo necessary! :)

Hmmm....what are my options along with likes & dislikes?

I started walking last year..what a wonderful thing to 'discover'. Can't believe that it was there all along! LOL And all I need are my feet......Go figure.. :)

I put on my iPod Nano....and do about 8 laps around the park [about 3 miles] don't get me wrong, I didn't start off doing 8 laps! At first I could only make it around 3 times...but steady going, helped my certainly build up my endurance! I then moved onto running a part of the way [I was amazed that I could do it!] while I definitely need to build up my endurance, I know that the journey begins with a single step!

Marathon in my future...perhaps! LOL my cardio now I figured, let's work on getting muscles going.

Now that I was walking [cardio]...and loving it, I looked into joining a gym....lots of those around. Here's a tip...see if you can get a free pass. I downloaded a free 10 day pass for 24hour Fitness []. While its a great gym....lots of machines, options and the time is great, I realized that gyms are NOT for everyone! LOL

I found myself leaving BEFORE my self imposed time was up...and I wasn't as diligent as with my walking...hmmm. Thankfully I was there on a free pass! LOL

In the vein of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it", I went back to walking...and I'm still enjoying it!

Tennis lessons came next. Now that was a great decision...and a great workout! I've had a tennis racket for at least 10 years [and i don't think it ever was in view of a tennis court!] LOL Not only am I taking lessons, but I'm playing on my time out of class. Great cardio!

I think classes are for me! And since I'm sooo NOT known for my coordination, I'm looking into a dance class...AFTERI find someone to teach me how to ride a bike..yeah..what adult doesn't know how to ride. ME!! LOL

Will have to invest in some bandaids too. LMAO. But I'm determined to learn.

I can't believe I've waited till my mid 30s to become a jock! What is this world coming to!??! LOL

Saturday, January 14, 2006

The FUD Syndrome?

Its amazing how hearing something so simple can change your outlook! Dr. Laura had a caller that asked 'how can you stop yourself from going or pining after someone that has made it clear that they don't want you'?

She asked the caller if they thought they were too fat, ugly or just too dumb.

The caller said 'no'. Then Dr. Laura proceeded to tell her then there is someone else out there for her. Someone who is appreciative of her...and thinks of her as special. that's a simple concept..and one that I knew...but hearing her say it like that, made me realize I was dancing with the fat, ugly dumb syndrome [AKA FUD].

Truly a wake up call! It has definitely made it whenever I start to pine....I remember the FUD syndrome!

I deserve better!