Sunday, January 03, 2010

You Take the Good...You Take the Bad.....

Well the new year is here. Good and bad in a way...but I guess that is a part of the process.

Good...started the year with the possibility of a viable relationship.
Bad...started the year having to be open with someone new.
Bad...a previous relationship has now started poking his head back around.

Good...spent time with my family over the holidays.
Bad...too much togetherness is NOT necessarily a good thing!

Good...I have a brand new tire on my car.
Bad...I had to have a blow out @ 1 am on the highway on one of our coldest nights! prospective relationship offered to come and get me.
Good...the tow trucks got there ok & in less time than was estimated.

All in all 2010 has started off with a bang....or should I say blowout?